Password Derivation Repository

Without salt support

Manage the necessary data to derive passwords like a chef!

Convert your passwords to this and you no longer will need to keep an encrypted database/list of passwords or (god forbid) write down your passwords.

Derive your passwords from the service's URL and your credentials with a passphrase of your choice for greater good! (which is for getting your passwords :)

Data Used to Derive :

This is your derived password :

Use this as your password on the service you're using

Now remember that for a given entry and passphrase the derived password will always give the same result

Press done to derive another password

Deriving your password

Please wait...

This could take some time
datapass len

Choose an entry from this list and then enter your passphrase below to derive a password.

Hashing/Encryption algorithm for the password derivation:
  • Blowfish (unsafe, kept for legacy support)
  • Argon2 (default, takes some time to derive)

Derive your password by choosing an entry in the above list and entering your chosen passphrase here :

re-enter your passphrase again to verify it is correct :

Entries Modification

Add a new entry to the list

Put the base URL of the service and your account username or email

Example :

Entry's derived password length :